TVR Tour Assemble
I was ripped from sleep at 6 am by some very loud birds singing in the room. Hang on, not it’s not that it was J’s unfamiliar alarm going off.
Start of day two, TVR Tour!
I’ve never seen anyone leap out of bed so quickly, put the kettle on, make a coffee and tune the TV to BBC News 24 in such quick succession. It was like watching an early morning caffeine-based kata. I asked him where my cup of tea was and he looked genuinely surprised to see me. Then muddled about and made myself a brew before disappearing into the shower.
We were ready before breakfast opened, so I disappeared outside into the chilly morning and left J to his coffee and catch up on current affairs. I wanted to get a better look at our surroundings and to see if any more cars has arrived. There’d be no more cars coming in, the night, but the dew was pretty on the cars, and the air was fresh.
After grabbing a few pictures, we headed to breakfast bang on 7. I’m assuming the Premier Inn staff weren’t used to Friday night guests turning up so early as there wasn’t anyone about so we grabbed a table by the window overlooking the River Medway. The river was like glass, with a slight mist hanging over the edges, which was then disturbed by some enthusiastic rowers.
We muddled about orientating around the breakfasts, sorting teas and coffees and getting some food in us as M and D joined us. One of our fellow TVR groups materialised and we politely said our hellos while stuffing our faces with a proper English breakfast. Who knows, what they’d have on the Continent?
I hoovered up the last of my hash browns and tea and headed out to have a look at the river. It was very peaceful outside, with lots of picnic tables for summer guests to enjoy a drink by the water. It was all very civilised.
As I headed back I bumped into a familiar face. It was Ben Coombs – I recognised him from the book. We chatted briefly and he told me about his green TVR, Kermit. I’d expected to see it in the car park but it was having some work done, so he had to bring an old Volvo instead. I went inside to rally the troops, the Chunnel was waiting.
The rest of the TVR gang arrived. Richie in his supercharged TVR and Mark in the blue TVR Sagaris and we all put in the sat nav the Channel tunnel and hopped (or squeezed) into the cars.
Anyone in the hotel who was still in bed having a lie-in was now awake, the noise of all the cars starting in union was like rolling summer thunder.
We edged our way out of the car park, back onto the Möbius roundabout (where you had to go another roundabout away from your destination before heading back the correct way) and onto the M20. France awaited our arrival.
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Pictures by unless otherwise stated.