Getting your products online for your customers within a short timeframe is essential for you to make money. It also means you learn with real data, rather than spending weeks or months second-guessing what is happening. Getting someone who knows Shopify is going to cost you a lot less over time than doing it yourself; rather than thinking of the cost, think how many products you’d have sold if you’d got the shop live a year ago.

Shopify is one of those systems which, once you’ve got your head around is a really nice system to use. I’d been tasked with creating a new version of the Love Island shop for the big Summer of 2019 launch of LoveBurst cosmetics on the show – this involved me spinning up a prototype version of the site and getting all the test data in ready for the developers.

love island 2019 shopify ben maffin

I was lucky enough to have created a few Shopify shops before joining Monterosa, which meant I could coach the team on how to get the most out of it – it’s got some little quirks, like how the categories are named along with the numerous amazing plugins you can use.

Here’s a video of the Love Island shop with the new look Love Burst pages along with the highly functional makeup picker along with the new functionality to see your name on a bottle before you order it.

Love Island Shopify Example

Love Island Shop App