I just love the amalgamation of art between a good music video and the music itself. Here are a few of my favourites in no particular order. Well worth a look.
The Shins – The Rifle’s Spiral
Keane – Disconnected
The Pretty Reckless – Make Me Wanna Die
The Divine Comedy – Bad Ambassador
I don’t even know where to start with this one. It’s just pure genius. I wonder how these get pitched!? Filmed in some sort of factory. Never thought anyone would manage to make rollerskating so utterly captivating.
Utah Saints – ‘Something Good 08’
So cheeky this. Loving the setting in Wales (have you been to Cardiff) and the little interviews in the middle of the video: “It was the freshest move I’ve ever seen, like he was floating on air”. And the ending… brilliant.
Nickelback – How You Remind Me
A strong rock tune along with a wordless video which says so much.
“Creek” Levi’s 501 commercial – “Inside” by Stiltskin
Back when Levi’s were a massive thing, this tune took the world by storm.
The Chemical Brothers – Let Forever Be
I mean pure genius – it’s so fast paced, the first time you watch it you don’t realise there’s hardly any special effects (it was the 90s) – these are all different girls. Amazing.