Blink Twice Movie Review: Once for Nepotism, Twice for Regret2024-12-05T14:00:03+00:00
  • Blink Twice Movie Review

Terrible casting, uninspired storytelling, and proof that nepotism still runs rampant in Hollywood, Blink Twice is a tedious slog from start to finish. How this film managed to secure a 6/10 from anyone is beyond comprehension. Are people rating the film or simply jumping on a bandwagon of hype this movie doesn’t deserve?

To break it down: the “60%” people praise must come from basics. Ten percent for turning up on set, 15% for it being in color, another 10% because the camera didn’t wobble, and a generous 20% for credits rolling on cue. Throw in Channing, who delivers the sole glimmer of competency, and I guess we reach the threshold for faint praise.

The rest? Forgettable performances by the leads, a plodding plot, and a complete absence of tension or originality. Instead of showcasing talent, Blink Twice feels like a film handed out as a favour. Pure nepotism granted the director access to resources they weren’t ready for, leaving audiences with a hollow, uninspired film that barely earns its runtime.

Other reviews of IMDB on are also showing how tired they are with quotes like “The premise has so much potential before trying to engage in some social justice tropes”,  “White men are bad”, and “the whole movie was a project to put forward a narrative that has no resonance with most of us”. Zoe missed the hate boat about three years ago, sorry, but (thankfully) the times they are a-changing.

Looking for a gripping movie? Try The Big Short. Want emotional depth? Beasts of No Nation. Or maybe a clever surprise? The Cabin in the Woods. Blink Twice? Blink and miss it, if you’re lucky.

See all the other films I’ve watched here.

Blink Twice Review FAQ

Who is the standout in Blink Twice?2024-12-05T14:07:29+00:00

Channing is the only bright spot in Blink Twice. While the rest of the cast struggles to deliver believable performances, Channing brings a level of professionalism and energy that stands out in an otherwise lackluster film. His ability to convey emotion and add depth to his character provides fleeting moments of engagement in an otherwise tedious storyline.

Unfortunately, his efforts are not enough to carry the film. The weak script, uninspired direction, and lack of chemistry between other cast members undermine his performance. If you’re a fan of Channing’s work, you may appreciate his scenes, but they won’t justify sitting through the rest of the movie.

What went wrong with Blink Twice?2024-12-05T14:04:53+00:00

Blink Twice suffers from fundamental issues that derail it from the start. The casting is one of the biggest problems—despite Channing’s commendable effort, the other leads fail to deliver believable performances, resulting in a lack of on-screen chemistry. The story itself is uninspired, riddled with plot holes and predictable twists that leave little for audiences to invest in emotionally or intellectually.

Another major flaw is the pacing, which drags in an attempt to create tension but instead leaves viewers bored and disengaged. Furthermore, there’s a lingering sense that nepotism, rather than raw talent, is the reason this project came to fruition. While the film had the resources to succeed, it squandered them on a lackluster script and uninspired direction.

Is Blink Twice worth watching?2024-12-05T13:28:50+00:00

In short, no, Blink Twice falls flat on nearly every front. The film fails to deliver compelling performances or an engaging storyline, making it difficult to justify the nearly two-hour runtime. While Channing manages to deliver a decent performance, the main protagonist and her colleague lack chemistry and fail to draw audiences into the narrative. The film’s pacing drags, and its plot is riddled with clichés and predictability.

What’s worse, the movie seems to ride on hype rather than substance, with a lot of buzz surrounding its release but little to show for it on screen. If you value strong acting, a well-written script, and a movie that leaves you thinking long after it ends, Blink Twice is not the film for you. Save your time and money for something more deserving of your attention. Check out other films to watch here.

Top Ten Films

I’ve included my top ten films here. It was a hard task limiting them down to 10 given the number of films I’ve watched. As you can see, Nolan could be described as dominating the group – but it’s not exclusively his films. The more interesting question I guess is do I own all these films if I think they’re so good. The answer is no, I don’t. I’ve got a few of them and every now, and then I fancy re-watching and rather than rent I’ll buy. But… there’s so many streaming services now, it’s usually possible to find it on at least one of them.

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